
CommandX Launched in Fürstenwalde/Spree

Today, the first introductory seminar was held on „CommandX“, Eurocommand's new operational support system.

The goal is to install the system in our command unit and on PCs in our station (communication center / headquarters). We also plan to implement the system throughout the Oder-Spree region in order to use data and content trans-regionally.

During today's seminar, Mr. Weiske from Eurocommand GmbH gave an overview of the system's options and functionalities. Since all participants were equipped with laptops, it was easy to display and interactively work with a training situation including an incident log, force overview, and situation map.

Afterwards, a small workshop was held for the administrative users, in order to answer more fundamental questions.

We extend our warmest thanks to Mr. Weiske from Eurocommand GmbH for conducting the seminar, as well as to Mathias Gädigk for his organization of the event, and to Steffen Noack for the excellent catering. (mh)